Thursday, January 29, 2015

Don't be Sad

Seasonal Affective Disorder 'SAD', can rear it's ugly head with many symptoms. Most people experience them, during the winter months when we have less exposure to sunlight. Some signs of SAD are, mood swings, sluggishness or exhaustion, lack of interest, and weight gain.

Melatonin is a hormone produced in the body. One of it's roles, is to help regulate sleep. The amount produced depends on how much light we get in the course of a day. When it's dark, we naturally produce more Melatonin to induce sleep.
With the decrease of light in the winter, our bodies maintain a higher level of melatonin throughout the day, which is why many of us feel tired, and get moody during winter days. Our bodies think we should be sleeping!

Some of us are affected more than others. Some ways you can help yourself through this period is to make sure you drink plenty of water, exercise, and watch your diet. Cutting down on, sugar, refined carbs, and high fat foods, is a great start. Eating more Low GI Foods,  is an interesting approach to managing your moods, energy levels, and weight control.

Getting out into the light slows our body's production of Melatonin. Walk, take in the fresh air, and, leave your sunglasses off to get as much light through as possible.

Serotonin is another hormone produced by the body. Widely known as the 'feel-good' hormone, or, the body's self made tranquilizer. The more your body produces, the more relief you can get from your symptoms of SAD.
By testing saliva, Medical research has shown a rise in serotonin levels in individuals after Massage, therefore, lowering stress, and leaving you with that feel-good feeling!

Along with diet and exercise, relaxation, and rejuvenation are key to getting your body, mind and soul out of the SADness doldrums of the Winter months.

Safe, Stress-Free Snow Shovelling

As a Massage Therapist, I see many back, shoulder & neck injuries in the winter from improper snow shovelling.
That can be because we use too much upper body strength, take too much snow on the shovel at once, or, shovel incorrectly.

Shovelling snow is exercise, as, when you go to the gym, run or swim. There's a routine you follow, that allows you to get the max from your work-out, with the least chance of injury, and, to protect your heart.
Consider shovelling snow a full-body work-out, with added weights to your arms. Only add as much 'weight' - snow- to the shovel as you can, without tiring or straining your body, especially if you have a lot of space to cover.
Be sure to use your lower body, glute and quad muscles, to bend and lift. Try not to stoop over. Keep the shovel close to your body, as, lifting "from a distance" puts more strain & tension on muscles and joints.
If you have to throw the snow to the side, be extra careful with the amount of snow on the shovel, and, do switch up hand positions on the shovel, and, the side to which you throw the snow, to balance the work.

Here's one of the toughest. As we TRY NOT to rush our workouts, let's do the same when we shovel.
Remember, if you injure yourself shoveling, you can't workout either!

These are few safety tips and ideas. there are lots more, like, how to dress, eat.
Please contribute for the sake of our readers safety and good health.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Scalp & Head Massage

We all know that headaches can occur when neck and head muscles become tense, or strained, by overuse. Extended computer time, stress, depression, head injuries, anxiety, even temperature change can make the muscles contract causing pain, poor concentration, even blurred vision, and hearing problems.

Benefits of Scalp/Head Massage   
Massaging the scalp/head, causes increased blood flow to the muscles. The softer, relaxed muscles release their hold on the nerves, and a warm calm is sent through the whole body, relieving stress and tension. Some people who receive this Massage on a regular basis, even experience relief from insomnia, and other sleep disorders.

Many also believe that regular scalp/head Massage (with or without oils), can increase hair growth. Aside from that, it can help to ground us, so we feel more connected to ourselves, thus being more productive during our daily tasks, and staying fresher for our evening family, friend & and exercise activities. 
*A bonus to the upper extremity flow of blood, is a glow to the face, seeming to relax lines, leading to a more youthful, friendly appearance. 
"This innovative scalp/head Massager, is a stainless steel conduit of healing about it here

Although it's always preferable to have someone give you your Massage, the scalp is a place you can easily "get to" yourself, especially with the help of your own personal scalp/head massager. It increases circulation, provides deep relaxation, and is small enough to take anywhere. And, to "top" it all off.. it feels AMAZING!